The Viper’s Elegy is a fantasy map and set of charged situations ready to be explored, investigated, exploited, or disentangled by a group of players. There is no set “plot” or path that the players’ characters must follow, but there are plenty of strings to pull, trails to follow, and dangers to ensnare themselves in of their own volition. This setting is system-neutral, so the GM (you who are reading this, I assume) can translate the generalities provided here into whatever form works best for the game of their choice.

This is being released in advent calendar format, meaning you'll see the first hex on December 1, 2022, and it'll open up a new one every day after that! Is the entire thing written and ready to go? hahahahah, of course it is! I would never feverishly try to finish things just before they're due...


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Looks like Chrome blocks the localstorage that the webapp uses to keep track of how many days you've clicked on, so I'll look at that.... soon? Should be fine on other browsers, when December 1st rolls around...